AGWB generates VHDL files appropriate to the defined blocks (see Output products). When AGWB is used as a FuseSoc generator all auto generated VHDL files are put into separate agwb library. If user generates code using script directly (without FuseSoc), the generated files can be put into any library. However, it is recommended to always put auto generated VHDL files into dedicatd agwb library, even if FuseSoc is not used. This makes the design more readable and facilitates the maintenance.

Conversion functions

In VHDL there is often a need to convert objects to different types. AGWB automatically generates functions for converting to std_logic_vector and custom types defined in .xml files.


Assume there is following block defined in the .xml file.

<block name="my_block">
   <creg name="my_creg">
      <field name="field_1" width="5"/>
      <field name="field_2" width="3"/>

Then following declarations and definitions will be automatically generated and available in the my_block_pkg.vhd file.

type t_my_creg is record
   field_1 : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
   field_2 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
end record;

function to_my_creg(x : std_logic_vector) return t_my_creg;
function to_slv(x : t_my_creg) return std_logic_vector;

-- Definitions from the package body.
function to_my_creg(x : std_logic_vector) return t_my_creg is
variable res : t_my_creg;
   res.field_1 := std_logic_vector(x(4 downto 0));
   res.field_2 := std_logic_vector(x(7 downto 5));
   return res;
end function;

function to_slv(x : t_sx_mask_enc_mode) return std_logic_vector is
variable res : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
   res(4 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(x.field_1);
   res(7 downto 5) := std_logic_vector(x.field_2);
   return res;
end function;